Gerry McGovern

Fundador y CEO de Customer Carewords

Especialista en contenidos web y nuevas tecnologías.

Gerry McGovern speaker, keynote speech

Gerry McGovern, fundador y CEO de Customer Carewords, es considerado una autoridad mundial en ayudar a las grandes compañías a crear sitios web centrados en la relación con el cliente. Algo que logra a través de un modelo propio de gestión creado por el propio Gerry, llamado “Top Task Management”.

Fue incluido en la lista de las 100 figuras más influyentes de comercio electrónico en el Reino Unido e Irlanda, como parte de “La Década de Internet”, que fue organizada por “NOP World and E-Consultancy”. El periódico “The Times” de Irlanda lo describió como uno de los cinco visionarios de la web y en 2006 recibió el premio Educational Contribution award, otorgado por la Asociación Irlandesa de Internet.

Es autor de cuatro libros, dos de ellos con el Financial Times y que son considerados “una lectura obligatoria para cada persona que quiera saber sobre diseño web”; y “la Biblia del management”.

Gerry McGovern ha sido nombrado como mejor ponente en innumerables ocasiones y ha hablado sobre gestión de contenido en internet en cientos de conferencias y reuniones en más de 40 países.

Tiene una larga experiencia trabajando para gobiernos. Entre sus clientes se incluyen: gobierno de Reino Unido y su Agencia de medioambiente, la agencia de protección medioambiental de Estados Unidos y su Departamento de Estado, la Oficina Nacional de Estadística del Reino Unido, la Agencia de Seguridad Social de Irlanda del Norte, etc. Fue el único consultor externo al que se le pidió ayuda para la revisión del Grupo de Trabajo y Gestión de Contenidos Web de los Estados Unidos. También es consejero senior en el “Directgov”, una iniciativa web del gobierno del Reino Unido.

Gerry McGovern es miembro fundador de la “Irish Internet Association”, así como miembro fundador de la “Content Management Professional Association”, un organismo internacional que trata sobre las mejores prácticas en contenido de gestión. También es miembro de la red de líderes de conocimiento y diálogo del Financial Times. En 2000 recibió en Irlanda el premio a “Persona del año en la industria web e Internet”

Gerry McGovern ha colaborado para diferentes medios de comunicación ya que ha colaborado con algunas de las cadenas de televisión más importantes como la BBC, la CNN o la CNBC. Asimismo, desde 2005 “EL PAIS” publica todos los martes en su sección de Tecnología la columna semanal que Gerry McGovern escribe desde 1996, titulada ′New Thinking′, en la que se analiza el rol que juega el contenido en la web y se abordan, desde un punto de vista práctico, asuntos como la gestión de contenidos digitales, la arquitectura de la información o el lenguaje a utilizar en Internet, entre otros.


"The Long Neck Versus the Long Tail"

Diseñando la excelencia en el mundo digital: ganar confianza y credibilidad

Cómo volver a conectar con los clientes a través de la marca

Diseñando la web para las próximas generaciones

Creando un negocio digital de alta dirección

Construyendo negocios online sobre "autoservicios"

The Stranger's Long Neck: How to Deliver What Your Customers Really Want Online

The long-awaited new title from THE corporate expert on building the right web presence to drive sales!

In an age that is exploding with information, it's now critically important for companies to identify what truly matters on their Web site. The web customer is a "stranger" online to web teams who must work in a medium where it is very difficult to know who is clicking around on your site. Every Web site has a "long neck" or a small set of tasks that are very important to its customers. If you don't make these tasks easy and fast to complete, your customers will go to your competition. This book will give you practical advice and case studies on how to tune in effectively to deliver precisely what your web customers want to make the sale!

Gerry McGovern is widely regarded as the number one worldwide authority on managing web content as a business asset. Named as one of the 100 most influential figures in e-commerce in the UK and Ireland, he has appeared on CNN , CNBC and BBC television and has been featured in numerous print media publications.

Top 5 Tips for Improving Your Website by Gerry McGovern

1. On the Web, content may be king but the customer is dictator. There's one word to describe the web customer: IMPATIENT.
2. Traditional marketing and communication is about GETTING ATTENTION. Web marketing and communication is about PAYING ATTENTION. When customers are at your website you already have their attention. Don't waste their time by telling them things they already know.
3. Every website has a small set of top tasks what I call the "long neck" that customers expect to complete quickly and easily. The customers' top tasks are often not what the organisation thinks they are--or wants them to be!
4. The BIGGEST key to website improvement and efficiency of "long neck" consumer tasks is most often overlooked: companies must do rigorous, methodical and continuous testing! Great web management is based on facts about your consumers, not opinions offered by the smartest people in your company.
5. The Web is about doing, not talking about doing. A great website puts task-completion features on the homepage. In Web 1.0 you saw a picture of a hotel room on the homepage of a hotel website. Now, you book your room on the homepage.

The Stranger's Long Neck: How to Deliver What Your Customers Really Want Online

Killer Web Content: Make the Sale, Deliver the Service, Build the Brand

On the Internet, if you're not read, you're dead. Written by an internationally-acclaimed specialist in this field, Killer Web Content gives you the strategies and practical techniques you need to get the very best out of your Web content. Accessible, concise and practical, it will make your website really work for you.

This book helps readers to: - provide visitors to their website with the right content at just the right time - write compelling Web content that users really respond to and want more of - make sure their website has the best possible chance of getting into the first page of search results - understand the benefits of blogs, RSS, and e-mail newsletters

Web content is an increasingly important asset. It helps sell
products and deliver services. From travel companies to software
companies, from universities to governments, it's something that has to
be got right.

Killer Web Content: Make the Sale, Deliver the Service, Build the Brand

Content Critical: Gaining Competitive Advantage Through High-Quality Web Content

In the age of information overload and content glut, how do you get people to read what¿s on your website?

The modern world runs on content. And the Web is fast becoming the medium of choice for content delivery. Increasingly business is about getting the right content to the right person at the right time ¿ and making a profit out of it. Content is critical. Content Critical will change the way you think about the Web. If part of your job involves writing original content to be placed on the Web ¿ product support material, a marketing pitch, or internal communication ¿ you¿re part of a publishing process. Think of your website as a publication and it all begins to make a lot of sense. Think of the person who visits your website as a reader and your objectives become clearer. Content Critical explains the theory and practice of producing reader-focussed, compelling content. It includes highly detailed, practical advice about what it takes to build a professional, content-oriented website, including classification, navigation, search and content layout. It shows you how to organize a publishing team and how to create a web publishing strategy.Discover what high-quality content really is, and learn how to create it.Content Critical will help you:

discover the key skills required to write compelling content for the Web
understand the rules of publishing content online
know how to appeal to your online readers
develop an effective Internet communications strategy
build publishing skills within your organization.

Content Critical: Gaining Competitive Advantage Through High-Quality Web Content