Dan Ariely



Dan Ariely conferencias, speaker, keynote

El economista conductual Dan Ariely, es “uno de los 10 nuevos gurús que debes conocer” según la revista Fortune. Dan Ariely estudia la manera en la que actuamos realmente, en contraste a cómo actuaríamos si nuestras decisiones fueran completamente racionales.

Como Profesor James B. Duke de Economía Conductual en Duke University, sus investigaciones han demostrado que todos sucumbimos ante la irracionalidad en situaciones en las que se espera una total lógica. Dan Ariely es un experto en cómo las personas actúan realmente en todo tipo de entornos, y lo que esto significa para la innovación en los negocios, la estrategia, el marketing y la fijación de precios.

En uno de sus libros más recientes “Dollars and Sense” (escrito junto a Jeff Kreisler), Dan Ariely explora el mundo de las finanzas personales para ayudar a las personas a comprender porque (muchas veces) toman malas decisiones financieras y les proporciona herramientas para tomar mejores decisiones. Este libro explica con humor conceptos de la economía del comportamiento a través de anécdotas que se relacionan con la vida diaria.

En su bestseller internacional The Honest Truth about Dishonesty”, cuestiona preconcepciones sobre la deshonestidad, invitándonos a observarnos fijamente al espejo; explora cómo funciona realmente el comportamiento deshonesto, identifica aquello que nos mantiene honestos, y señala la manera de mantener un comportamiento ético en nuestra vida diaria.

Además, Dan Ariely es reconocido actualmente como la voz más influyente del mundo en materia de comportamiento del consumidor. Es citado frecuentemente en los medios más importantes de economía, psicología y negocios, incluyendo el New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington post  o CNN,entre otros.

Dan Ariely cuenta con un título en Psicología de la Universidad de Tel Aviv, un Ph.D en Psicología Cognitiva de la Universidad de Carolina del Norte en Chapel Hill (EE.UU), y un Ph.D en Marketing de Duke University.

La (honesta) verdad sobre la deshonestidad: cómo mentimos a todos, especialmente a nosotros mismos.

Predeciblemente Irracional.

Las trampas del deseo.

El valor de la confianza.

Comportamiento del consumidor y toma de decisiones.

Economía conductual, empleo y desarrollo.

El significado del trabajo.

Cómo podemos cambiar nuestro comportamiento para mejorar.


Blending humor and behavioral economics, the New York Times bestselling author of Predictably Irrational delves into the truly illogical world of personal finance to help people better understand why they make bad financial decisions, and gives them the knowledge they need to make better ones.

Why does paying for things often feel like it causes physical pain?
Why does it cost you money to act as your own real estate agent?
Why are we comfortable overpaying for something now just because we’ve overpaid for it before?
In Dollars and Sense, world renowned economist Dan Ariely answers these intriguing questions and many more as he explains how our irrational behavior often interferes with our best intentions when it comes to managing our finances. Partnering with financial comedian and writer Jeff Kreisler, Ariely takes us deep inside our minds to expose the hidden motivations that are secretly driving our choices about money.

Exploring a wide range of everyday topics—from credit card debt and household budgeting to holiday sales—Ariely and Kreisler demonstrate how our ideas about dollars and cents are often wrong and cost us more than we know. Mixing case studies and anecdotes with tangible advice and lessons, they cut through the unconscious fears and desires driving our worst financial instincts and teach us how to improve our money habits.

Fascinating, engaging, funny, and essential, Dollars and Sense is a sound investment, providing us with the practical tools we need to understand and improve our financial choices, save and spend smarter, and ultimately live better.



Bestselling author Dan Ariely reveals fascinating new insights into motivation—showing that the subject is far more complex than we ever imagined.

Every day we work hard to motivate ourselves, the people we live with, the people who work for and do business with us. In this way, much of what we do can be defined as being “motivators.” From the boardroom to the living room, our role as motivators is complex, and the more we try to motivate partners and children, friends and coworkers, the clearer it becomes that the story of motivation is far more intricate and fascinating than we’ve assumed.

Payoff investigates the true nature of motivation, our partial blindness to the way it works, and how we can bridge this gap. With studies that range from Intel to a kindergarten classroom, Ariely digs deep to find the root of motivation—how it works and how we can use this knowledge to approach important choices in our own lives. Along the way, he explores intriguing questions such as: Can giving employees bonuses harm productivity? Why is trust so crucial for successful motivation? What are our misconceptions about how to value our work? How does your sense of your mortality impact your motivation?



Three-time New York Times bestselling author Dan Ariely teams up with legendary The New Yorker cartoonist William Haefeli to present an expanded, illustrated collection of his immensely popular Wall Street Journal advice column, “Ask Ariely”.

Behavioral economist Dan Ariely revolutionized the way we think about ourselves, our minds, and our actions in his books Predictably Irrational, The Upside of Irrationality, and The Honest Truth about Dishonesty. Ariely applies this scientific analysis of the human condition in his “Ask Ariely” Q & A column in the Wall Street Journal, in which he responds to readers who write in with personal conundrums ranging from the serious to the curious:

What can you do to stay calm when you’re playing the volatile stock market?
What’s the best way to get someone to stop smoking?
How can you maximize the return on your investment at an all-you-can-eat buffet?
Is it possible to put a price on the human soul?
Can you ever rationally justify spending thousands of dollars on a Rolex?

In Ask Ariely, a broad variety of economic, ethical, and emotional dilemmas are explored and addressed through text and images. Using their trademark insight and wit, Ariely and Haefeli help us reflect on how we can reason our way through external and internal challenges. Readers will laugh, learn, and most importantly gain a new perspective on how to deal with the inevitable problems that plague our daily life.



Dan Ariely, behavioral economist and the New York Times bestselling author of The Upside of Irrationality and Predictably Irrational, examines the contradictory forces that drive us to cheat and keep us honest, in this groundbreaking look at the way we behave: The (Honest) Truth About Dishonesty.

From ticket-fixing in our police departments to test-score scandals in our schools, from our elected leaders’ extra-marital affairs to the Ponzi schemes undermining our economy, cheating and dishonesty are ubiquitous parts of our national news cycle—and inescapable parts of the human condition.

Drawing on original experiments and research, in the vein of Freakonomics, The Tipping Point, and Survival of the Sickest, Ariely reveals—honestly—what motivates these irrational, but entirely human, behaviors.



Why do our headaches persist after we take a one-cent aspirin but disappear when we take a fifty-cent aspirin? Why do we splurge on a lavish meal but cut coupons to save twenty-five cents on a can of soup?

When it comes to making decisions in our lives, we think we’re making smart, rational choices. But are we?

In this newly revised and expanded edition of the groundbreaking New York Times bestseller, Dan Ariely refutes the common assumption that we behave in fundamentally rational ways. From drinking coffee to losing weight, from buying a car to choosing a romantic partner, we consistently overpay, underestimate, and procrastinate. Yet these misguided behaviors are neither random nor senseless. They’re systematic and predictable—making us predictably irrational.