Canay Atalay specialises in design and technology trend forecasts and analysis, ideas exchange on how to thrive in the new economy, and how to design a conscious business and meaningful life.
Canay Atalay embodies regenerative innovation leadership, weaving a narrative of interconnectedness and well-being at the nexus of design, technology, and culture. Her journey unfolds with a series of ventures that transcend traditional business paradigms, each guided by principles of regeneration.
Canay laid the groundwork for transformative shifts from transactional consumer-brand relationships to community-led marketing initiatives across eight countries.
Her unique perspectives and approaches on leadership have led her to be featured in Harvard Business Review & Vogue.
As she transitioned to leading human-centric design thinking methodologies and services at Fjord (now part of Accenture Song), Canay led human-centric design innovation across industries. Her role as country director provided a platform to instill human-centric design principles into organizational practices, aligning business goals with the needs of users.
Canay Atalay has innovated and applied unique and courageous perspectives on how leadership and organisations can become future flexible & profitable with intergenerational positive impact for life.
Her clients include some of the world’s most iconic brands such as Unilever, Nike, Procter & Gamble, Coca Cola, Vodafone, Turkish Airlines, Mastercard and Pfizer.
Today, as a co-leader of RegenerateX, Canay champions regenerative innovation that prioritize the health of individuals, organizations and ecosystems.
Simultaneously, her platform, The Heroines, stands as a beacon of inclusivity and diversity, in-powering women and advocating for women-led innovation in business, technology, regeneration, experience and communication design.
A graduate from Massachusetts’s Institute of Technology (MIT) and Bogazici University, Canay has helped leading brands and startups design and develop over 250 digital services’ experiences, business models and digital transformation programs, across more than 15 countries across the globe.
Driven by a belief in collaborative innovation, Canay activates ecosystem players to drive positive transitions, leveraging her 5D Values and conscious business design methods. Her influence extends globally through keynote engagements, advisory board memberships, leadership coaching and strategic consultancy roles including in AI, education and decentralized technologies.