Chris Roebuck

Global Leadership and Organizational Performance Expert.

Delivering success in a challenging world.

Chris Roebuck speaker, conferencias, keynote speech

Seeing people leave his keynotes smiling and inspired for action is what in turn inspires Chris to speak, helping people become their better selves.


Every day we go to work it’s in the hope that everything runs perfectly. But that rarely ever happens. Events blow us off track or distract us creating challenges we need to beat. Chris Roebuck, calls these orgmines, organisational landmines. If ignored, they build into disasters. Recall the Financial Crisis, Kodaks decline, Erons scandal and tragedy of the Gulf of Mexico? Started small, got ignored, blew up.

To beat these challenges Chris Roebuck delivers inspiring and interactive keynotes, both remote and face to face, which enable audiences to realise and then unleash their own hidden potential to start to make a difference and succeed as soon as they leave the room. All powered by “Explosive Energy”.

That’s possible because Chris has a unique perspective and step by step system to make success happen day to day based on a unique combination of perspectives other speakers just don’t have:

  • Financial insight as an economist
  • Personal experience as a leader in business, military and government.
  • Leading edge insights in his role as Honorary Visiting Professor of Transformational Leadership and 9 times HR Most Influential Thinker award nominee which allow him to combine his experience with success stories from around the world.
  • Understanding the drivers of how we think and feel via his 2019 qualification as a neuroscience accredited executive coach so he can show his audiences how to use their full brain power, and that of those around them, to make success a reality.

This ensures Chris keynotes inform, engage, challenge, build insight and inspire the audience to take real and immediate actions which then inspire others and are financially rewarding for their organisations. His feedback is consistently excellent, even with audiences of military leaders already trained and experienced to the highest level.


Chris Roebuck has already shown over 21,000 leaders in over 1.500 organisations globally via over 250 keynotes how they can discover their secrets of success in a way that meets and beats their organisations specific challenges.


He has done this across sector, culture and geography – UBS, HSBC, KPMG & London Underground, legal firms to construction, tech and IT, to retail, facilities to scientific research, police to not for profit, pharmaceutical to SMEs. From the UK National Health Service of 1.4m staff and UK Government to the Red Cross in Myanmar, from Investment banks in London to Middle East Telecoms, from the Chinese Space Programme leaders to HR Directors in India and global retail CEOs in Rome.

When Global Head of Leadership at UBS, 70,000 staff & 100 countries, his team helped the bank transform organisational performance to increase profitability by 235%, market capitalisation by 50% and win numerous awards. This is now a Harvard Case Study.

Chris has been quoted as a business leadership expert globally in the Harvard Business Review China, FT, Wall Street Journal, Le Monde, New York Times, Business Week, Time Magazine, Washington Post, Times of India, Straits & Gulf Times and many other titles. He judges business awards and has done over 350 TV interviews on leadership and business on BBC, Sky, Bloomberg, Al Zazeera, CNBC & CNN. He’s also skied at 60mph by accident.

Everything Chris does is focused on giving his best for audiences, delivering insight, understanding and inspiration for action, so they can give their best and inspire others to do the same.

Explosive Leadership.

Explosive leadership is a proven step by step system which enables leaders and organisations to identify and neutralise the key challenges blocking their full potential for success. This is achieved by identifying the key challenge and creating a wave of focused people powered Explosive Energy to neutralise it which then builds momentum to carry the organisation forwards to success.

Real world experience shows Explosive Leadership can be effective against many of the key challenges organisations frequently face. Chris shows audiences how they can achieve this by using a unique mix of his insights, stories, hard data, neuroscience and inspirational moments from their own lives.

3 Secret Steps to Super Performance - Delivering inspiration and success using the untapped power hidden within.

Your Problem – No matter how great your board level leadership, your strategy, products or services if your people are blocked in making it happen by challenges, don’t know why they are doing what they are doing, don’t have the skills they need and, in particular, if they don’t care about being their best, your organisations true potential will never be realised. The evidence shows that potentially 60% of people in most organisations could give up to 30% more effort if they wanted to and that operational implementation could potentially be 20% more effective. These shortfalls are potentially killing your performance and profitability.

Why Chris can show you how to solve it – As a leader in the military, business and government, much of it developing other leaders to both deliver the task and inspire others Chris knows what makes people give their best every day. This then powers their organisation to beat challenges and the competition. Using this experience, his insights as Hon Visiting Professor of Transformational Leadership and a neuroscience accredited executive coach Chris has developed his Explosive Leadership system beating challenges, taking leadership, delivery and profitability up a gear. The success of this is shown by his nomination as one of HRs Most Influential Thinkers 9 times in past 10 years.

Making this reality – The moment the audience leaves the room they will have 3 steps they can implement immediately to get over 25% effort from their people. This can then improve implementation by over 20% if it is focused on what your organisation needs for success. Every leader will be able to ignite their leadership spark building a people powered explosive energy wave to carry the organisation to success, and it could add 10% to the organisations bottom line for free !

5 Covid Insights for Future Success - Revealing hidden insights from Covid challenges that will power future success.

Your Problem – Covid has thrown our work, lives and organisations into chaos and uncertainty. The greatest disruption to the world since WWII has forced change and long-term uncertainty on us. Covid has accelerated change forcing up to 5 years predicted change into just a year.

Hidden below the surface, under the trauma we have experienced at both work and home are insights that can help us and our organisations plan and embrace the future much more effectively to move forwards. If we don’t understand and use these we will be trapped in our “groundhog day” mindset, confused, concerned and unable to move forwards.

Why Chris can show you how to solve it – Chris has had a career of managing dynamic events and change, from his military service to the rapid restructuring of one of the worlds biggest metro systems to the creation of a new leading global bank, now a Harvard Case study. Both achieved in just 2 years. As Honorary Visiting Professor of Transformational leadership he’s hunted down success stories on how you can manage and learn from change, both voluntary and enforced. He’s even delivered a series of video insights into what we can take from Covid to help us be more successful in our organisations in the future.

Making this reality – By the end of the keynote Chris will have enabled the audience understand better the impacts of Covid on key areas of work and life – People, Work, Leadership, Tech, Customers, Business Models and Strategy, and others to build an accurate picture of where they are now. He will then set out a step by step route, together with implementation tools, and key success factors to enable them and the organisation to immediately start to plan their route to success post Covid.

Explode Your Orgmines – Simple Steps to Crush Your Challenges: 5 simple steps to beat the challenges blocking success and risking the future.

Your Problem – Every day we go to work it’s in the hope that everything runs perfectly, every CEO hopes his organisation will run perfectly. But that rarely happens. Events blow us off track or distract us creating challenges we need to beat. Chris calls these orgmines, organisational landmines. If ignored things get much worse. Recall the Financial Crisis, Kodaks decline, Erons scandal and tragedy of the Gulf of Mexico? Started small got ignored, blew up. CEOs and other leaders need to rapidly identify any issue that is blocking their ability to succeed, before it gets out of control and threatens their survival.

Why Chris can show you how to solve it – Chris experience as a leader in military, business and government over 30 years and leading major change and transformations gives him vast experience of dealing with those unexpected problems which suddenly come up. He has created a 5 step system to detect, analyse, plan action, initiate and build momentum – Explosive Leadership. His deep practical insights into beating challenges led to his appointment of Honorary Visiting Professor of Transformational Leadership

Making this reality – Using Explosive Leadership proven step by step approach the audience and their organisation can deal with their orgmines quickly before they blow up causing serious damage. This will not only deal with these identified challenges but which will also help them deliver “business as usual” more effectively and successfully. It could even add up to 10% to bottom line for free !

Neural Power Unleashed – Deliver Dynamic Change and Transformation: Riding the rollercoaster to success with the natural agility hidden in us all.

Your Problem – Even before Covid developments in tech, customer needs, employee perspectives, investor priorities meant organisations and leaders had to manage dynamic change or fail. Covid has accelerated change such that it’s forced up to 5 years predicted change in some areas into just a year. Now everyone has to be a proactive transformation leader for their organisation to succeed, by managing not only the impact or business as usual change but also those Covid has imposed. That demands a rapid transformation in both working and thinking. But change isn’t just about a good plan its about emotional buy in. Without that it won’t happen, and Covid has added to this. That’s why nearly 80% of change projects never fully deliver the outcomes planned.

Why Chris can show you how to solve it – Chris has had a career of managing dynamic events and change, from his military service to the rapid restructuring of one of the worlds biggest metro systems to the creation of a new leading global bank, now a Harvard Case study. Both achieved in just 2 years and work across multiple other sectors. Since his appointment as Honorary Visiting Professor of Transformational leadership he’s studied other success stories on how you can manage and learn from change and enable others to do the same. Interwoven with this is his insights from neuroscience and how change can be presented positively to gain buy in and drive successful implementation add a unique insight and powerful tool.

Making this reality – Immediately after Chris keynote the audience will have a step by step road map to ensure that they are able to manage and adapt to change and transformation in the future. It will help them feel in control of change and thus more confident and capable. It will give them not only the steps to plan change but also Chris neuroscience insight enables them to present an emotionally compelling idea as well as a good plan. Not only that but this could also help the organisation dd 10% to bottom line for free !

2 Secrets of Inspired Customer Service - From mere transactions to transformed relationships.

Your Problem – Great customer service is about emotional engagement as much as the transaction, maybe more, but too often customer facing staff aren’t able to achieve this level of interaction. The evidence is clear, one unhappy customer, even if they don’t complain is likely to tell 17 other people about their negative experience in some way, that’s even before they hit social media ! Conversely great customer engagement can increase up sell capability by up to 40% and order size by up to 80% vastly enhancing profitability. But there’s another problem, if those who support customer facing staff aren’t customer focused as well then it breaks down.

Why Chris can show you how to solve it - His insights into what leaders and organisations need to do to make employees genuinely care about the customer and go that extra mile are built on proven steps to inspire people to deliver success from the military, business and government combined with the neuroscience that explains why it works. But it’s not just about customer facing roles, Chris explains how to make those who support customer facing roles customer focused as well. That’s why Chris has regularly addressed retail audiences, including being the closing keynote for the World Retail Congress, the top annual retail event globally.

Making this reality – Think about the impact of having every employee engaged as an entrepreneurial customer champion and brand booster. Customer focused staff going that extra mile, showing customers they care, but also think of every other employee supporting those staff optimally as they too understand and care about the customer, in HR, in Finance and everywhere else. The whole organisation focused on the customer and so proud of their brand they then all go out and champion it in their communities. The moment the audience leaves the room they have their initial plan for action ready to roll.

Minimise Your Risk in 3 Steps - Organic risk management: unleash the hidden value in employee’s hearts and minds.

Your Problem – things go wrong, but small things going wrong can end up being a major nightmare if left or ignored. The earlier risks are identified are neutralised the less damage they cause, but if left, Recall the Financial Crisis, Kodaks decline, Erons scandal and tragedy of the Gulf of Mexico? Started small got ignored, blew up. Too often organisations rely on systems to identify risks when they have grow enough to be identified, but what if they could be identified and neutralised even earlier ? The simple statistical fact is that in any organisation over about 1000 people something somewhere must be going wrong at anytime. Your organisation needs to stop that immediately to stop it causing more damage.

Why Chris can show you how to solve it – Chris has worked with the risk functions of top global banks to help them optimise risk management through people across the organisations more effectively, not just in the risk function, providing instant front line level operational risk management. He was invited to write on this for the Journal of Financial Management in his paper “Risk, ethics and the holy grail” and has spoken to audiences of Chief Risk and Legal officers. His step by step road map to creating a culture where every employee is constantly managing risk, including reputational risk which systems often miss, gives audiences a plan they can implement immediately.

Making this reality – Immediately after the keynote the audience will have a set of simple practical steps they can take to make the organisations risk management, including reputational risk, significantly more effective. These can be implemented across the organisation quickly, simply and at virtually no cost to add a further level of risk protection. In addition they are also likely to improve the performance of the organisation as a bonus, potentially adding 10% on bottom line.

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Chris Roebuck
