Tomás Chamorro


Chief Innovation Officer at Manpower Group. Bestselling author.

Tomás Chamorro speaker, conferencias, management, innovación

Tomás Chamorro is author of 11 books and over 400 academic and business articles that covers a range of topics from the psychology of talent to leadership, innovation and AI.

English · Spanish

Dr. Tomás Chamorro is a global leader in people analytics, talent management, leadership development, and the Human-AI interface. He is Chief Innovation Officer at Manpower Group and cofounder of Deeper Signals and Metaprofiling. He is Professor of Business Psychology at University College London and Columbia University.

Using science and tech, Dr. Chamorro-Premuzic creates tools that help organisations predict human performance and improve one’s ability to understand themselves better. His area of expertise covers two broad areas in applied psychology namely, business and consumer psychology. He is known for his refreshing and honest take on leadership, self-confidence, and gender differences.

Currently, he is Director of Innovation at ManpowerGroup, a multinational corporation headquartered in the USA, positioned as the third-largest staffing firm in the world.

His book, “I, Human: AI, Automation, and the Quest to Reclaim What Makes Us Unique” (Havard Business Review Press, 2023) is said to be a must-read for anyone who has wondered “how we can maintain our humanity amid the super powerful prediction machines we’ve created”. Chamorro-Premuzic also had a hugely successful TED talk based off his 2020 thought-provoker, “Why So Many Incompetent Men Become Leaders (And How to Fix It)”.

Previously, Tomás Chamorro held academic positions at New York University and the London School of Economics (LSE). He has lectured at Harvard Business School, Stanford Business School, London Business School, Johns Hopkins, IMD, and INSEAD.


His successful TED talk based on his provocative thinking “Why So Many Incompetent Men Become Leaders (And How to Fix It)” has garnered thousands of views in recent years.


Additionally, Tomás Chamorro is cofounder of Deeper Signals, a company leading the modernization of skills/personality assessments with cutting-edge technology applied to the Human Resources sector, and Metaprofiling, a digital company enabling organizations to identify entrepreneurial potential.

As one of the most prolific social scientists of his generation, Tomás Chamorro regularly shares his ideas in Harvard Business Review, Fast Company, The Guardian, Forbes, and Business Insider. He has made over 100 media appearances and has shared his ideas on CNN and the BBC.

His work has received awards from the American Psychological Association and the Society for Industrial-Organizational Psychology, of which he is a distinguished member.

I, Human: AI, Automation, and the Quest to Reclaim What Makes Us Unique.

The Talent Delusion: Why Data, Not Intuition, Is the Key to Unlocking Human Potential.

Why Do So Many Incompetent Men Become Leaders? (And How to Fix It).

Organizational Development.

Confidence: How Much You Really Need and How to Get It.

Generational Differences.

Talent & Leadership in the Digital Transformation Era.

Why everyone needs to develop a growth mindset.

I, Human: AI, Automation, and the Quest to Reclaim What Makes Us Unique.

Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic aborda una de las preguntas más importantes que enfrenta nuestra especie: ¿Utilizaremos la inteligencia artificial para mejorar la forma en que trabajamos y vivimos, o permitiremos que nos alienen?

No es ningún secreto que la IA está cambiando la forma en que vivimos, trabajamos, amamos y nos entretenemos. Las aplicaciones de citas están utilizando IA para elegir a nuestros posibles compañeros. Los minoristas están utilizando IA para predecir nuestro comportamiento y deseos. Actores deshonestos están utilizando IA para persuadirnos con bots y desinformación. Las empresas están utilizando IA para contratarnos, o no.

En Yo, Humano, el psicólogo Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic lleva a los lectores en un viaje cautivador y revelador a través del panorama de la IA. Aunque la IA tiene el potencial de cambiar nuestras vidas para mejor, argumenta, también está empeorando nuestras malas tendencias, haciéndonos más distraídos, egoístas, sesgados, narcisistas, arrogantes, predecibles e impacientes.

No tiene por qué ser así. Lleno de fascinantes ideas sobre el comportamiento humano y nuestra complicada relación con la tecnología, Yo, Humano nos ayudará a destacar y prosperar cuando muchas de nuestras decisiones se tomen por nosotros. Para hacerlo, tendremos que profundizar en nuestra curiosidad, adaptabilidad e inteligencia emocional mientras confiamos en las virtudes perdidas de empatía, humildad y autocontrol.

Esto es solo el comienzo. A medida que la IA se vuelva más inteligente y parecida a los humanos, nuestras sociedades, nuestras economías y nuestra humanidad experimentarán los cambios más dramáticos que hemos visto desde la Revolución Industrial. Algunos de estos cambios mejorarán nuestra especie. Otros pueden deshumanizarnos y hacernos más parecidos a máquinas en nuestras interacciones con las personas. Depende de nosotros adaptarnos y determinar cómo queremos vivir y trabajar.

I, Human: AI, Automation, and the Quest to Reclaim What Makes Us Unique.

The Talent Delusion: Why Data, Not Intuition, Is the Key to Unlocking Human Potential.

For readers of Sapiens and Homo Deus and viewers of The Social Dilemma, psychologist Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic tackles one of the biggest questions facing our species: Will we use artificial intelligence to improve the way we work and live, or will we allow it to alienate us?

It's no secret that AI is changing the way we live, work, love, and entertain ourselves. Dating apps are using AI to pick our potential partners. Retailers are using AI to predict our behavior and desires. Rogue actors are using AI to persuade us with bots and misinformation. Companies are using AI to hire us—or not.

In I, Human psychologist Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic takes readers on an enthralling and eye-opening journey across the AI landscape. Though AI has the potential to change our lives for the better, he argues, AI is also worsening our bad tendencies, making us more distracted, selfish, biased, narcissistic, entitled, predictable, and impatient.

It doesn't have to be this way. Filled with fascinating insights about human behavior and our complicated relationship with technology, I, Human will help us stand out and thrive when many of our decisions are being made for us. To do so, we'll need to double down on our curiosity, adaptability, and emotional intelligence while relying on the lost virtues of empathy, humility, and self-control.

This is just the beginning. As AI becomes smarter and more humanlike, our societies, our economies, and our humanity will undergo the most dramatic changes we've seen since the Industrial Revolution. Some of these changes will enhance our species. Others may dehumanize us and make us more machinelike in our interactions with people. It's up to us to adapt and determine how we want to live and work.

The Talent Delusion: Why Data, Not Intuition, Is the Key to Unlocking Human Potential.

Confidence: How Much You Really Need and How to Get It.

“I can’t remember the last time I finished reading a book and wanted to applaud…. Life-changing.”—Heidi Grant Halvorson, PhD, author of Focus

If you picked up this book because you want to increase your confidence, you are not alone. Like most people, you probably think that being highly confident would make you more likable, more employable, and more successful. But you’d be wrong.

In this paradigm-shifting book, world-renowned personality expert Dr. Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic reveals that, beyond making you feel good, high confidence has no genuine benefits, and it may even be self-destructive. Low confidence, however, helps us make realistic risk assessments, protects us from disastrous situations, and encourages us to become more competent—which is the real key to achievement. Intelligent and thought-provoking, Confidence shows you how to make your insecurities work for you in every facet of life.

“Maybe you have always intuited…that all the talk about boosting self-confidence and raising self-esteem is not the answer to success or happiness. This charming and thoroughly fact-based book will give you the evidence to back your wisdom, that being kind and competent works best.”—Elaine Aron, PhD, author of The Highly Sensitive Person and The Undervalued Self.

Confidence: How Much You Really Need and How to Get It.