Chiara Burberi is Cofounder and CEO in, an edtech focused on STEM subjects, starting from math.
Moreover she has experience as Non-Executive Director in listed and non listed companies.
From 2010 to 2013 Chiara Burberi was a Partner at Business Performance Institute, a learning consulting company.
From 2001 to 2009 she workedfor UniCredit Group asHead of Retail Foreign Banksand served in Unicredit Romania and KocBank as Supervisory Board Member, before taking on the role of Head of Group Organization andfinally, that of Compliance Chief Operating Officer.
From 1994 to 2000 she wasa consultant with McKinsey & Co, reaching the role of Associate Principalin the Financial Institutions Group.
Aside from her professional activities, she was anAssociateProfessorat the Faculty of Economics of Università degli Studi di Parma and, following her graduate studies,she was awarded the scholarshipin Industrial Economics at UniversitàBocconi.
Chiara Burberi obtained a Ph.D. in Business Administrationat Università Bocconi and the CEMS Master (Community of European Management Schools) at HEC (Hautes Etudes Commerciales).
Prior to her degreein Business Administration at Università Bocconi in 1990,she took partin the Erasmus International Exchange Programme atLBS (London Business School).