Tal Ben Shahar

We share with you a post published in ‘DrTartt’ in which you can learn more about Tal Ben Shahar:


Harvard professor, Dr. Tal Ben Shahar (author of Happier), he discusses four mindsets or lifestyles for increasing and maintain overall happiness.

Nihilism- This describes a state where you are just existing. You don’t enjoy what you are doing right now and it has no ability to make you happier in the future. It is the worse state to be in and leads to depression and despair.

Hedonism- You are enjoying life right now but it has no ability to make you happier in the future. A good example is spending a lot of money. It feels good right now but it will make you unhappy in the future when the bill comes. So, you are exchanging future happiness for right now.


Read more: https://www.drtartt.com/single-post/how-to-be-happier-right-now-how-to-thrive-even-when-the-world-is-not