Dambisa Moyo



Dambisa Moyo speaker, conferencias, keynote speech



Nombrada por la revista TIME como una de las “100 personas más influyentes del mundo”, Dambisa Moyo es una reconocida economista experta en el análisis de la macroeconomía mundial. La Dra. Moyo se ha ganado su reputación internacional como líder en el panorama político y macroeconómico en los países en desarrollo, en particular de los BRIC y de las economías fronterizas de África, Asia y América del Sur.

En la actualidad, Dambisa Moyo es miembro de los consejos de administración de Barclays Bank, Seagate Technology, Chevron y Barrick Gold. En 2013, la Sra. Moyo fue galardonada con el Hayek a su trayectoria. En 2015 formó parte del jurado de Financial Times para otorgar el premio McKinsey al mejor libro de negocios.

Es autora del bestseller (New York times): Dead Aid: Why Aid is Not Working and How there is a Better Way for Africa, donde aboga por detener las ayudas económicas a los países africanos, excepto en caso de calamidades o catástrofes puntuales (como sucede cuando hay un terremoto o una sequía en el primer mundo), dejando que el continente construya una economía propia en el curso de los próximos cinco años.


Su trabajo aparece regularmente en publicaciones económicas y financieras, tales como el Financial Times, la revista Barrons y el Wall Street Journal. La Sra. Moyo es también editora colaboradora de CNBC, la red de noticias de negocios y finanzas.


Dambisa Moyo hace uso de su comprensión económica global para informar sobre una estrategia de inversión práctica, aprovechando las oportunidades y gestionando los riesgos en las economías emergentes. Su trabajo examina la interacción entre los países de crecimiento rápido, el comercio internacional y la economía mundial, además de destacar las oportunidades de inversión y los temas de convergencia.

Doctora en ciencias económicas por la Universidad de Oxford, tiene un máster en la Universidad de Harvard, un MBA en finanzas y una licenciatura en químicas por la Universidad de Washington.

Dambisa es una conferenciante elocuente y muy bien ilustrada, que es muy demandada en conferencias y cumbres económicas de todo el mundo.

Más Allá de los BRICs: Oportunidades de Inversión en los Mercados Fronterizos

Macroeconomía Global -¿Dónde Emergerá el Crecimiento Global?

El Desarrollo Económico y el Impulso del Crecimiento Sostenible

La incidencia de China en el panorama económico mundial

El mundo desarrollado sostiene los ideales del capitalismo, la democracia y los derechos políticos para todos. En los mercados emergentes, a veces no pueden darse ese lujo. En esta potente charla, la economista Dambisa Moyo defiende la idea de que Occidente no puede dormirse en los laureles y pensar que los otros lo seguirán ciegamente. Mientras tanto, un modelo distinto, encarnado por China, gana cada vez más adeptos. Hace un llamamiento a la cooperación con amplitud mental política y económica en nombre de la transformación del mundo.

Materias Primas - ¿Es Este el Final del Súper Ciclo de las Materias Primas?

El Futuro de la Energía

How Boards Work: And How They Can Work Better in a Chaotic World.

'Highly instructive . . . provides thoughtful analysis' Financial Times

'Exactly what any prospective-or sitting-board member needs' Arianna Huffington

'A must read . . . highly engaging . . . an indispensable guide to how boards function, malfunction, and, most importantly, should operate better' Mohamed A. El-Erian

Corporate boards are under great pressure. Scandals and malpractice at companies like GE, Theranos and WeWork have raised justified questions among regulators, shareholders, and the public about the quality of corporate governance. Boards face ever-louder demands to weigh in on questions of climate change, racial and gender equity, data privacy, and other social issues that range far beyond their traditional mandate: choosing the CEO and endorsing corporate strategy.

In HOW BOARDS WORK, prizewinning economist, veteran board director, and bestselling author Dambisa Moyo offers an insider's view of corporate boards as they are buffeted by the turbulence of our times. Drawing on her decade of experience serving on corporate boards, Moyo lays out what it is that boards actually do, and she outlines how they must adapt to survive the challenges of coming years. Corporations need boards that are more transparent, more knowledgeable, more diverse, and more deeply involved in setting the strategic course of the companies they lead.

HOW BOARDS WORK is an urgent road map for how boards can steer companies through tomorrow's challenges and ensure they thrive to benefit their employees, shareholders, and society at large.

How Boards Work: And How They Can Work Better in a Chaotic World.

Dead Aid: Why Aid Is Not Working and How There Is a Better Way for Africa

A national bestseller, Dead Aid unflinchingly confronts one of the greatest myths of our time: that billions of dollars in aid sent from wealthy countries to developing African nations has helped to reduce poverty and increase growth. In fact, poverty levels continue to escalate and growth rates have steadily declined―and millions continue to suffer. Debunking the current model of international aid promoted by both Hollywood celebrities and policy makers, Dambisa Moyo offers a bold new road map for financing development of the world's poorest countries.

Much debated in the United States and the United Kingdom on publication, Dead Aid is an unsettling yet optimistic work, a powerful challenge to the assumptions and arguments that support a profoundly misguided development policy in Africa. And it is a clarion call to a new, more hopeful vision of how to address the desperate poverty that plagues millions.

Dead Aid: Why Aid Is Not Working and How There Is a Better Way for Africa

How the West Was Lost: Fifty Years of Economic Folly--and the Stark Choices Ahead

In How the West Was Lost, the New York Times bestselling author Dambisa Moyo offers a bold account of the decline of the West's economic supremacy. She examines how the West's flawed financial decisions have resulted in an economic and geopolitical seesaw that is now poised to tip in favor of the emerging world, especially China.

Amid the hype of China's rise, however, the most important story of our generation is being pushed aside: America is not just in economic decline, but on course to become the biggest welfare state in the history of the West. The real danger is a thome, Moyo claims. While some countries – such as Germany and Sweden – have deliberately engineered and financed welfare states, the United States risks turning itself into a bloated welfare state not because of ideology or a larger vision of economic justice, but out of economic desperation and short-sighted policymaking. How the West Was Lost reveals not only the economic myopia of the West but also the radical solutions that it needs to adopt in order to assert itself as a global economic power once again.

How the West Was Lost: Fifty Years of Economic Folly--and the Stark Choices Ahead

Winner Take All: China's Race For Resources and What It Means For Us

Our planet's resources are running out. The media bombards us with constant warnings of impending shortages of fossil fuels, minerals, arable land, and water and the political Armageddon that will result as insatiable global demand far outstrips supply. But how true is this picture?

In Winner Take All, Dambisa Moyo cuts through the misconceptions and noise surrounding resource scarcity with a penetrating analysis of what really is at stake. Examining the operations of commodity markets and the geopolitical shifts they have triggered, she reveals the hard facts behind the insatiable global demand for economic growth. In this race for global resources, China is way out in front.

China, Moyo reveals, has embarked on one of the greatest commodity rushes in history. Tracing its breathtaking quest for resources - from Africa to Latin America, North America to Europe - she examines the impact it is having on us all, and its profound implications for our future. What, Moyo asks, will be the financial and human effects of all this - and is large-scale resource conflict inevitable or avoidable?

Instead of another polemic, Winner Take All is a clear-eyed look at the realities we all need to face if we want a just, balanced and peaceful global economy for the 21st century.

Winner Take All: China's Race For Resources and What It Means For Us