John Sanei



John Sanei speaker, conferencias, future, innovation, technology

En los parámetros que convergen entre la ciencia humana, la neurociencia, la tecnología cuántica, el futurismo y la estrategia empresarial, John Sanei se siente fascinado con los datos, los detalles y los conocimientos. Al desbloquear nuevas perspectivas, nuestros ojos se abren y compartimos una visión más clara del mañana.


John Sanei (Sah-nay) cobra vida en la intersección entre la psicología humana y el futurismo y usa su perspectiva única y exclusiva para descubrir a muchas organizaciones, formas elegantes para desarrollar la claridad y el coraje necesarios para abordar el futuro con confianza.


Honrado por ser el primer miembro africano de la facultad Singularity University,

John también es profesor de Duke Corporate Education y socio del Copenhagen Institute of Future Studies.


Impulsado por el mundo real, por la humanidad y por el  momento inmediato, John Sanei da sentido al desafiante mundo del futuro y lo fusiona de una manera que le proporciona a la audiencia la visión y la estrategia para seguir adelante con firmeza y esperanza.

John Sanei posee una experta habilidad para combinar su fascinación por la tecnología emergente y su impacto en la sociedad con una clara comprensión de cómo los recuerdos y las historias influyen en nuestra realidad. Ha compartido escenario con varios líderes de opinión de renombre mundial, incluidos Yuval Harari, Simon Sinek y Robin Sharma, entre muchos otros.

Además, es autor de cuatro bestsellers internacionales entre los que se incluyen: “Who Do We Become?: Step boldly into our strange, new world”, “FutureNEXT: Re-imagining our world & conquering uncertainty”, “FOREsight: Awaken curiosity. Cultivate wisdom. Discover the abundant future” y Magnetiize: Stop the chase. Understand the change. Take control of your future”.

Como especialista en tendencias futuras, John Sanei ha viajado de manera virtual, local e internacional como conferenciante principal, impartiendo sus clases magistrales, haciendo conexiones significativas, alineando a las audiencias con patrones globales y abriendo oportunidades que son colaborativas en lugar de competitivas.

Sus conferencias y seminarios web han recibido reconocimiento mundial. Activan las últimas investigaciones en psicología humana, neurociencia, ciencia cuántica, futurismo y estrategia empresarial para profundizar su comprensión del mundo venidero.

Asimismo, amplifica los mensajes clave basados ​​en las necesidades de la audiencia, ayudando a desarrollar una visión y una comprensión más clara del futuro.


Establece e impulsa tu futuro.

> Comprende el momento y prepárate el futuro.
> Canaliza tu energía hacia lo que quieras ser.
> Sigue tu curiosidad y encuentra tu sabiduría.


> Comprender la neurociencia detrás de los bloqueos emocionales.
> Identificar prejuicios y suposiciones que los líderes tienen y aprender de las organizaciones del futuro sobre cómo construir equipos exitosos.
> Cambie el comportamiento de su organización y desarrolle métricas de fracaso y éxito para la hoja de ruta que se avecina.

Who Do We Become?: Step boldly into our strange, new world.

"I know that what I've learnt in the past two years will help me for the rest of my life. My hope is that you will see yourself reflected in my own journey, and . . . consider who you will become in this new world of ours. Who we all might become".

If you're suffering from a crisis of meaning, you're not alone. In this powerful new book, future strategist John Sanei shares how he found ways to cope with the uncertainty that has been all around us in the past two years. Lockdown meant his career came to a screeching halt. He was living with his parents and then had to battle loneliness until he started to reassess who he was and what he wanted from life.

Infused with empathy and personal anecdote, Who Do We Become? explores our individual responsibility to evolve into more decent, dynamic versions of ourselves, our businesses and humanity as a whole – especially in times of crisis.

The book is divided into three sections. In Part 1: ANGUISH, John explores how to courageously mourn the loss of our 'normal' pre-COVID world. Part 2: ABNORMAL, shows us how to understand this new environment and recognise that uncertainty is the new normal. Then, in Part 3: ADVENTURE, John provides a toolkit for us to forge out into the new world, to succeed and recognise the signs of rebirth and renewal.

Travel with John as he maps out our strange, new world and lays down a path to reframe our thinking, to recognise our discomfort, to survive and thrive.

Who Do We Become?: Step boldly into our strange, new world.

FOREsight: Awaken curiosity. Cultivate wisdom. Discover the abundant future.

In a data-laden, disrupted, dread-inducing world, how can we see clearly into the future? How can we navigate through the data, become the disruptors and replace our sense of dread for the future with a clear-thinking, positive vision of things to come?Following his first two ground-breaking books, What’s Your Moonshot? and Magnetiize, John Sanei turns his endless curiosity to the perspectives, perceptions and prejudices that prepare us for our illogical future.

He breaks down the four types of seeing – HINDsight, PLAINsight, INsight and FOREsight – we humans use to guide us through the world and into the future. Then, with 20 shots of vivid, eye-opening FOREsight, he gives readers the opportunity to peer into what that future could be and ask the types of questions that will allow us to embrace it with optimism.

• What can the history of the first autonomous vehicle, the elevator, teach us about autonomous cars and their effect onreal estate and city planning?
• Why will the gold in our smartphones change the way we mine gold from the ground?• Why are adaptability and flexibility more important than endless qualifications?
• How can you connect the invisible dots between the confusion of today and the grand potential of tomorrow?

FOREsight: Awaken curiosity. Cultivate wisdom. Discover the abundant future.

What's Your Moonshot?: Future-proof yourself and your business in the age of exponential disruption.

In What’s Your Moonshot? trend and innovation strategist John Sanei explains how to ask the bigger, bolder, more courageous questions that will help you thrive – rather than merely survive – in our exponentially changing times.

With a future-focused victor mindset, Sanei decodes the mega-trends that are reshaping human behaviour and the way we do business – not to mention, the way we live our lives. He then explains how to innovate your business with the ultimate aim of becoming the new type of billionaire: someone who positively affects billions of people.

As the foundations of modern economies – transportation, communication and energy – start becoming free or virtually free, massive transformative ideas can now be driven by individual ambition and determination. No longer the sole domain of nations and global organisations, these pioneering, game-changing missions – or Moonshots – are defined by thinking big to drive change and shape the future. So the real question is:


What's Your Moonshot?: Future-proof yourself and your business in the age of exponential disruption.

FutureNEXT: Re-imagining our world & conquering uncertainty.

The future has arrived early. And it is challenging each of us to ask, and answer, the defining questions of our time:How will our post-pandemic society move forward?Will we ever return to the world we once knew?Are we witnessing the development of a new socio-economic system? Shaped by the dynamic approach of futures-strategist John Sanei and the profound economic thinking of Dr Iraj Abedian, FutureNEXT equips readers with the mindset and tools needed to forge a new way forward – a way of confidence and peace of mind. The book explores our evolving responsibilities as consumers, employees, employers, entrepreneurs and executives tasked with re-imagining our world. In so doing, it provides a path to create prosperous societies that are more harmonious, systematically fair and sustainable than anything we’ve known.

FutureNEXT: Re-imagining our world & conquering uncertainty.

Magnetiize: Stop the chase. Understand the change. Take control of your future.

The world is caught in a never-ending chase. Life and business seem only to get more complex, confusing and fast-paced.
How can we regain our calm and clarity? How do we retain control and live purposeful lives when for so long doing business has been all about madly prioritising profit?

In his best-selling book What’s Your Moonshot? John Sanei asked, How BIG is your thinking? Now, in Magnetiize, he asks, How CONSCIOUS is your thinking?
With his unique blend of psychology, business strategy and future studies, he reveals the new way. He asks us to look inwards first, to find authenticity and meaning. Then, in looking out, he explains how purpose-led business isn’t just the ethical choice; it is ultimately the rational choice for long-term sustainability in a world looking for conscious and ethical solutions.

It’s time to Magnetiize!

"With compelling insight, Magnetiize shows us how to best navigate this rapidly changing future with less fear and more excitement." – René Carayol, MBE

"John Sanei’s genius is in helping us decode and overcome the obstacles we face in achieving personal and professional success. Magnetiize is a must-read for anyone who wants to live a more wonderful life." – Nadia Bilchik, CNN

Magnetiize: Stop the chase. Understand the change. Take control of your future.